KABAR BUMI Organizational Education on GCM

Keluarga Besar Buruh Migran Indonesia (KABAR BUMI) and the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM) have successfully conduct online internal education discussion on Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) orientation last July 18, 2024. The orientation was conducted with Bahasa Indonesia and involved more than 45 participants coming from various communities of KABAR BUMI. 

Forced migration has been the central issue shared by the participants. The situations of land grabbing have driven more people from the communities to work abroad. Land grabbing whether for insfrastructure development or for corporate business, also grabs the livelihoods of the community. This situation worsening with the non availability of decent work and living wage, left the people from the community with no options of livelihood source that forced migration for a better economy life of their families. This situation is related to the GCM objective number 2 that is to minimize the adverse drivers and structural factors that compel people to leave their country of origin.

Aside from sharing the situation of forced migration, many participants express their doubt on GCM implementation. They compared some of objectives of the GCM to the reality they faced. Some of the examples are the situation of undocumented migrants, irregular migration, gender-based vulnerability of migrants and the lack of protection provided by their government, which is provided more reason for the community to be more organized and continously advance their advocacy and campaigns work.

APMM and its partners will continue the GCM orientation at the national level. APMM advocates for meaningful participation of migrants in the GCM process and other advocacy spaces. APMM view grassroots migrants as the primary stakeholders and experts in the migration discourse as they are the first to experience the challenges of labor migration and the impacts of agreements and policies and has actively communicate their demands.

Let us make the Global Compact work for migrants and with migrants.


Breaking Bread, Building Bonds: A Discussion of Migrant Women Advocates over Dinner in Penang


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