Network Organising and Cooperation
The Network Organising and Cooperation program of the APMM implements the organisation’s program for capacity development of migrants in forming migrant organisations, broadening and expanding APMM’s reach and alliance building with other migrant organisations and sectors that strengthen the migrant movements in the region. It establishes and builds cooperation with other sectors such as faith communities, trade unions, migrant-serving institutions, and other sectors and professionals in support of movement building.

What we do
TheNetwork Organising and Cooperation program bridges grassroots migrant organisations with migrant service providers and with other sectoral organisations to make available various social services including crisis intervention as well as facilitates dialogue, cooperation and solidarity with migrant and faith communities and advocates in carrying out collective actions advancing the human rights of migrants.
Formations we secretariat
The Alliance of Marriage Migrant Organisations for Rights and Empowerment (AMMORE) is a global alliance of marriage migrants organisations and their advocates. What started as a network in 2008 developed into a formal alliance composed of, led and run by marriage migrants. It supports ongoing campaigns of member groups for access to employment, livelihood and social services, better policies to champion their rights and ensure family reunification, resisting racism, discrimination and social exclusion, and an end to violence against women. It has members from South Korea, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Canada.
The Interfaith Network for the Rights of Migrants (INFORM) is a loose network of different faith communities joined together on a common understanding and cooperation to protect, uphold and support migrants, refugees and other displaced peoples for justice, human rights and decent work. INFORM is the Asia Pacific chapter of the Churches Witnessing With Migrants (CWWM).
The International Migrants Alliance (IMA) is the first-ever global alliance of grassroots migrants, refugees and displaced peoples. Formally established in 2008, the IMA believes in the strength of the migrant workers themselves to take up issues, lead and win campaigns, and engage with governments at the national, regional and international levels. The IMA’s line is very apt – “For many years, others have spoken on our behalf, now we can speak for ourselves”. Since then, it has been at the forefront of the global grassroots migrant movement in championing the comprehensive rights, well-being and dignity of migrants and their families and calling to address the problem of forced migration. Currently, it has 170 member organisations from 70 countries.
Areas we work in
The APMM works primarily in the Asia Pacific and the Middle East regions where it partners and closely coordinates with grassroots migrant organisations, migrants’ rights advocates and civil society groups from host and origin countries on migration. Currently, it has partners in South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand (destination countries in Asia Pacific), Indonesia, Philippines and Bangladesh (migrant origin countries), and Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (Middle East).
Platforms and networks we belong to
The Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism is a civil society platform aimed to enable stronger cross constituency coordination and ensure that voices of all subregions of Asia Pacific are heard in intergovernmental processes at regional and global level.
The Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) was established to develop cooperation among alternative research centres of non-government organisations (NGOs) and social movements that work on current development issues affecting the people across the region.
The Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development is the leading network of feminist organisations and individual activists in Asia and the Pacific. Our 265 members represent groups of diverse women from 30 countries in Asia and the Pacific.
The CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness is a global platform that unites civil society organisations on the issue of effective development cooperation. It works in 117 countries and has members from seven regions and eight major sectors: faith-based, feminist, indigenous peoples, international CSOs, labor, migrants and diaspora, rural, and youth. It strives for a more effective development, the kind that truly responds to poverty and inequality.
Churches Witnessing With Migrants is an international platform for advocacy and forthright action focused on global migration, particularly forced migration in all its forms. We are organised as a tripartite body of equals that includes migrants and representatives of migrant-serving and faith-based organisations from various faith traditions.
The World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) is a non-governmental organisation that builds on communication rights in order to promote social justice.