Onwards With the Struggle of Migrants for Justice and a Life of Dignity!

Statement of the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants on International Migrants Day 2024

Statement of APMM on International Migrants Day 2024

On this International Migrants Day 2024, the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM) celebrates the collective resistance, and determination of migrants to advance their rights and well-being. This year, as challenges persist and escalate, our commitment in supporting the migrant movement to address the systemic issues at the core of forced migration and exploitation is stronger than ever.

The world today continues to confront heightening economic inequality, climate crisis, and escalating conflicts that force millions to leave their homelands. Fueled by neoliberal globalization, migrants bleed under the weight of these interconnected crises. We see the commodification of migrants as cheap labor, and the worsening tide of discrimination across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond,

Poverty, unemployment, landlessness, and climate disasters are still the driving factors of forced migration in countries of origin. While on the other hand, host countries take advantage of migrants as cheap labor by maintaining exploitative labor practices and policies. Migrant women, in particular, endure gender-based violence, discrimination, and economic precarity. In addition, undocumented migrants continue to face vilification and lack of social protection from both origin and destination countries. Cases of trafficking have been on the rise as well, disproportionately impacting women and children who attempt to seek better opportunities elsewhere.  

Disasters and environmental degradation displace millions annually, with migrants often left to navigate these challenges without sufficient support or protection. This reality stresses the urgent need for climate justice alongside the fight for migrant rights.

At the same time, global platforms like the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) and Agenda 2030 continue to undermine grassroots voices. While decisions are made about migrants, the direct and meaningful participation of migrants in these processes are still limited. As primary stakeholders and rights holders, grassroots migrants need to be at the forefront of the migration discourse. Migrants themselves should be able to shape the policies and solutions that affect their lives.

Despite these adversities, migrants have not faltered. We see grassroots migrant organizations continue to rise, organize mutual aid efforts, and champion genuine change. This year, the grassroots movement achieved compelling victories. Mary Jane Veloso's long-awaited return to the Philippines, after years of unjust imprisonment, is a powerful reminder of what collective action and relentless advocacy can achieve, even against overwhelming odds. The fight is far from over until Mary Jane is granted immediate clemency by the Philippine government, set free and finally reunited with her family.

The collective struggle of migrants has proved to us that real change is possible when we come together, organize and take action. APMM continues to draw inspiration from the courage of migrant organizations. On this International Migrants Day, we honor their sacrifices and victories. We renew our commitment to stand with them in building a future where their rights and dignity are fully recognized.

The need to strengthen the grassroots movement of migrants and advocates has never been more urgent.  Together, we can break down the systems that exploit and oppress, push back against dehumanizing neoliberal policies, and fight for a world where people are valued over profit. By standing hand in hand, we will advance the struggles of migrants for justice, and a life of dignity—where no one is forced to choose between survival and home.

#WithMigrantsForMigrants #IMD2024


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