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GCM Video Education Series
In an effort to raise awareness especially among migrants on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), we in the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM) are pleased to share with you our GCM Video Education Series.
![[Video] Migrant workers under COVID-19: Who cares?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/61e7d837fd40e431ea67b136/1648280442902-74I2I58FZ21GM9K9FL0O/%5BVideo%5D+Migrant+workers+under+COVID-19-+Who+cares%3F.png)
[Video] Migrant workers under COVID-19: Who cares?
The APMM's 2020 summer interns, Jenna, Lilly and Tiffany, made this video about the situation of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please watch and tell us what you think.

A Brief Guide to Organizing Migrants
This material is released by APMM to guide migrant workers, organizers and advocates of migrant rights on the process of organizing.

Know Your Rights for Marriage Migrants
APMM released this pamphlet as an initial survey of what mechanisms in the international level are in places that deals with foreign brides.

Advocacy and Lobbying for Marriage Migrants
This APMM training module lays down the basics of advocacy and lobbying for marriage migrants, as well as grassroots migrant organizations and CSOs in general.

Saya Migran
“Saya Migran” in this educational comic leaflet personifies the campaign for the recognition of domestic work as work.

C189 Campaign Toolkit
Conceived as a “Swiss Army knife” of textual and visual materials, essential to migrant organizations campaigning for the ILO Domestic Workers’ Convention (C189), this Toolkit contains a primer on the Convention, the English text of C189 itself, a manual for grassroots organizing and a training module for grassroots advocacy and lobbying. It also includes such commonly-needed C189 advocacy materials as posters, barrage-postcards, and a sample letter to governments appealing for the Convention’s ratification.

IMA Cultural Opening
This was the video used during the cultural opening of the International Migrants’ Alliance (IMA) Founding Assembly held in June 15-16, 2008. May it be used for educating and organizing fellow migrants, refugees and displaced persons all over the world.

Migrants’ Resource Pack and Toolkit on Agenda 2030
The APMM is happy to share with everyone the Migrants’ Resource Pack and Toolkit on Agenda 2030 and the Rights Over Remittance infographic poster.